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Four hours which transform expectations
Posted by Tony on 14th September 2009 at 20:39:26
In response to Exploring various fronts posted by Tony on 6th September 2009 at 23:10:39
The above mentioned run on to 730,000 got there after the delayed telecast of the Doggies' victory. With a couple of details that may have made a minor near term difference not quite resolved, I had decided to run one more block of 10,000 with saves every thousand which was all over in 17 minutes, after which I started off the plan to run straight to 790,000 with saves every 10,000 before making the next trim. Approaching 780,000 it became inescapable that there was a slow down I had not anticipated, so I pulled the plug and went back and reran in blocks of 10,000 with saves every thou.

Previously I had anticipated that a long running gap-forming tagalong on the track at x = 24,047 would reach its engine and seed a new active centre after 783,000. But I hadn't noticed that it was going to encounter a ship running three cells off the track first, an encounter which proved interesting enough but failed to form a viable active centre. However, that was anything but the case on four other tracks and trails that I had stopped thinking about:

  • The tail of the last surviving of the five engines formed soon after the 400,000 switch to the new iMac only just managed to stay out of the less reliable zone marked by the trim position, breaking clear with three gap producing tagalongs which I initially saw as only resolving when those tagalongs reached the engine beyond 905,000. Again I had overlooked a ship tracking 7 cells out where it would disrupt the second and third tagalongs creating a break in the track and a viable active spot 4,000 cells inside the trim border. And that was the least of them.
  • After a succession of common enough tracking ships in the wrong phase to impact the shifter ahead of them on a block trail, I had though I noticed one that would interact on the trail at x = -3,066 but then lost track of it only to have it interact 19,300 inside the trim zone at 765,800, but only while ...
  • I had long forgotten about a gapless tagalong cut off beyond the second, E side, rakes on the "Pythag" track at x = 4,412, never realising that its eventual interaction with the engine had left its eroding ends in synch. It's coin came down Hanu, but with a twist as the S (outer) reblock was too close to W side rake wreckage and failed to stabilise until it had formed a complex debris cloud. That cloud was permanently reignited by a following ship at 769,140.
  • The track eroding at x = 7,042 turned puffer at 784,300, its second rake activating the x = 10657 puffer converting it to "deltoid" form and starting "Rugby" that will long dominate across a dozen tracks and trails, though the outer two may still have a surprise or two left in them and there is always a possibility that the first mover track will create yet another variation after it reblocks beyond the million.
With all those in their relative infancy, we made the 800,000 trim four hours after the 730,000 trim, but with it getting slow enough that I had time for some sleep before it would again need human attention. This unexpected ending should now make the Whoa S look ahead story to a million about as complete as could be imagined, but the last 100,000 while the back rows of the Rugby get sorted could be very slow, so I'm more likely to start showing off a 90 frame, far beyond HD, movie following Whoa's S point S after the look ahead reaches 900,000 early(?) next month.
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The game has changed - Tony 19:58:43 18-Nov-08
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Closing in on assorted goals - Tony 23:02:41 18-Oct-09
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Exploring various fronts - Tony 23:10:39 06-Sep-09
Four hours which transform expectations - Tony 20:39:26 14-Sep-09
Too good to delay sharing - Tony 10:53:12 24-Sep-09
Showing some perspective (contains 2.4 Mb PNG) - Tony 11:07:23 31-May-09
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