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to 230000 and beyond
Posted by Tony on 30th April 2009 at 21:00:42
In response to Whoa posted by Tony on 30th January 2009 at 16:39:55
Ran The Wild on from 220000 to 225000 before switching the new dedicated iMac to Whoa which I had got to 200000 on the old iMac while waiting for Apple to announce their configuration bumps. Whoa will hit 235000 around the midnight after my presentation to MASCOS on May 1st and I plan to run it on to 250000 if the extra capacity proves sufficient which might take us into June.

In the tradition of other pix posts here, its time to reveal 210000 through 230000, albeit with a new thumbnail series following the disruption of the long lived Delta engine and the future significance of the area surrounding the p.512 track erosion shown in the vertical shake post below—the other story mentioned therein. Then there was yet another burst of unexpected novelty beyond 230000 from which I've featured just one animation that underlines how close we can get to the boundary between order and chaos, or life and death. The full images behind the thumbnails average 1.4Mb.

210,000th iteration

220,000th iteration

230,000th iteration

600 live or die iterations

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The game has changed - Tony 19:58:43 18-Nov-08
Seven newer sub-threads
And another one - Tony 23:59:06 16-Mar-09
Whoa - Tony 16:39:55 30-Jan-09
to 230000 and beyond - Tony 21:00:42 30-Apr-09
More oblig pix - Tony 12:11:38 09-Mar-09
Vertical shake (contains 1.6 Mb GIF) - Tony 13:12:55 22-Feb-09
Five older sub-threads
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