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Flat on her face
Posted by Tony on 18th July 2011 at 09:43:23
In response to Nonsense posted by Tony on 31st March 2011 at 16:05:58
Via Daring Fireball, one of the parrots gets her just deserts. For daring to regurgitate the hater song book on the reborn Byte's first day, she is forever consigned to ignominy.

Now we just need to extend this principle to deniers of industrial-scale climate effects, conspiracy theorists, religious proselytizing, flat-earth economists and other opponents of rational discourse.

And we need to start to think about why the forces of darkness of the Down Under winter seem to remain immune to the mother country's belated excitement about Murdoch's push towards a criminal police state in the now publicly disgraced name of News, the same game that has recently cost even Marvelous Melbourne two too honest commissioners. Maybe it says more about the surrender of Labor to apparatchiks.

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Nonsense - Tony 16:05:58 31-Mar-11
It wouldn't be heaven without an iPad - Tony 10:37:54 08-Oct-11
Flat on her face - Tony 09:43:23 18-Jul-11
speaking of antique iPods - toby 12:10:33 30-Apr-11
Complete idiots - Tony 13:50:43 10-Apr-11
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