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Sustainable growth and other oxymorons
Posted by Tony on 24th June 2010 at 15:51:55
Memo Julia: Will you please consider that the world might need more competent people willing to make non-standard choices like yourself rather than allowing themselves to be shoehorned into that other oxymoron: working families.

It has certainly been a great day for political news junkies, even at the significant cost to others' demands on our time. Worth every minute just to witness the dismissals of the Bishop sisters.

I'd posted elsewhere a few days ago concerned that there was no time for Julia to avoid the trap set for our friends Joan and Carmen, and for Billy McMahon in another era, but the speed of the ruddy execution and Julia's clear enunciation of her acceptance of responsibility, coupled with the NBN solution to the Telstra wholesale problem, calls much of that post into question.

Without a total and irreversible abandonment of the filter, I'll still put Conroy last because I'm one of the vanishing few responsible enough to vote below the line. And I'll still be happiest with the Greens in coalition, but I'm now willing to put Julia ahead of Tony.

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Sustainable growth and other oxymorons - Tony 15:51:55 24-Jun-10
Re: voting below the line - GalvoMan 17:55:17 21-Jul-10
One can always hope - Tony 09:37:56 25-Jul-10
Green coalitions become the only option - Tony 08:37:50 08-Jul-10
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