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George has a solution
Posted by Tony on 25th May 2010 at 05:14:07
In response to White collar creep posted by Tony on 27th December 2009 at 13:37:40
He doesn't see the problem in exactly the same light, the lack of class mobility having never been as much a problem in the convict colony as it has been in the heart of empire.

At this stage of the social catastrophe that the UK is becoming,* George Monbiot seems to be more intent in trying to get the hands of the "best and brightest" from all backgrounds on the established white collar-centric wheels of power than in moving reward and aspirations away from those ever more counterproductive activities.

Regardless, the 1999 solution he borrows from Peter Wilby might just have the potential to break enough circuits that some significant social change could emerge, at least in the form of a revitalised liberal left which is no longer the oxymoron it has become since the 'seventies.

*if you subtract its devolved neocolonies from the total UK results in the recent election, you get an English government with a strong outright Conservative majority leaving the Lib-Dems as the party of integration (UK and Europe) in their opportunistic coalition. Though, left to themselves, the Conservatives would no doubt continue to bleed their colonies, new† and old, the way London always has.

†To identify the new colonies you need to follow the consequences of the abdication of Political will to the bean counters, an exercise left to the reader.

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White collar creep - Tony 13:37:40 27-Dec-09
George has a solution - Tony 05:14:07 25-May-10
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