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A year on
Posted by Tony on 17th April 2009 at 21:30:14
In response to Joan Carstairs posted by Tony on 19th April 2008 at 20:02:19
It seems I'm the only person who has given a second thought to the anniversary, not that I can really object to not having conversations motivated only by memories of that day.

After a long period of ignoring the need to reorganise things here a bit more sustainably, that effort has finally started on a couple of fronts, finally shifting my bedroom inside as promised before another winter and attending a meeting to reactivate the history society to do something appropriate with that part of Joan's legacy.

While Too Many Tears had to stop dominating my time at the end of last winter, I am heading back to Perth next weekend to catch up with those who were at the centre of my focus a year ago. If we ever get a published review, I might be tempted to make one more promotional push. Without that there really is no plan B.

Alongside the nearly six months and counting on my new cellular automata project, I'm also back involved with more committee and other meetings than I'm comfortable with across a range of community organisations. Hopefully, this time around, the interweb will really play the long anticipated role I had to give up on with regard to my sporting involvements eleven years ago.

Sometime next year it might all even start to make communicable sense. Right now, some of the things I've put my hand up for lately could easily be misrepresented as an overdose of back to the future.

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Joan Carstairs - Tony 20:02:19 19-Apr-08
A year on - Tony 21:30:14 17-Apr-09
Local recognition - Tony 17:42:40 20-May-08
Celebrating her life - Tony 11:09:00 25-Apr-08
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